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Subject Amplifier with KCC cert Date 2021.03.11 Hit 2642
Writer Stan S
Content Hi,

I hope my email finds you well.
We recently came across your products.

We are looking to order amplifiers that have KCC Certification for the Korean market.
Ideally we are looking for an output rating of 100-150W/channel @ 4 Ohm.

Would you have some models that fit this criteria?
If so, could you please provide us with specifications, cost for a 1st sample and lead time?

Thank you and best regards,

Dear Sir,

Good day and thanks for being interested in our products.
KCC is a certificate which existed like 10 years ago. Now we need KC for Korean market.
Yes, we do have KC certificate, because we're Korean company and we can't sell amplifiers without it in Korea.

However, I'm worried if it's really competitive for you to import from Korea, and export again to Korea.
Because we already have about 50 agents in Korea.

How about targeting at your domestic market? We could support you with our best effort.
If you have any question, feel free to contact to the following email.

Looking forward to the further business,

Best Regards,
Overseas Sales Department

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